I have a code which predict the change in the sign of future returns.
# get data yahoo finance
getSymbols("^GSPC", from = "1990-01-01", to = "2017-12-01")
# take logreturns
rnull <- CalculateReturns(prices = GSPC$GSPC.Adjusted ,method ="log")
# lags 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as features
feat <- merge(na.trim(lag(rnull,1)),na.trim(lag(rnull,2)),na.trim(lag(rnull,3)),na.trim(lag(rnull,4)),na.trim(lag(rnull,5)),all=FALSE)
# create dataset. 6th column is actural. Previous is lagged
dataset <- merge(feat,rnull,all=FALSE)
# set columns' names
colnames(dataset) = c("lag.1", "lag.2", "lag.3","lag.4","lag.5","TARGET")
# get signs and make a data.frame
x <- sign(dataset)%>%as.data.frame
# exclude 0 sign and assume that these values are positive
x[x==0] <- 1
# for svm purposes we need to set dependent variable as factor and make levels to interpretation
x$TARGET <- as.factor(as.character(x$TARGET))
levels(x$TARGET) <- list(positive = "1", negative = "-1")
# divide sample to training and test subsamples
trainindex <- x[1:5792,]
testindex <- x[5792:7030,]
# run svm
svmFit <- ksvm(TARGET~.,data=trainindex,type="C-svc",kernel= "rbfdot")
# prediction
predsvm <- predict(svmFit, newdata=testindex)
# results
confusionMatrix(predsvm, testindex$TARGET)
The next thing I am going to do is add a rolling window (1 step forecast) to my model. However the basic methods as rollapply does not work with dataframe. Commom methods of one step forecast for time-series are also not valid for data.frame used in e1071 package. I wrote the following function:
svm_next_day_prediction <- function(x){
svmFit <- svm(TARGET~., data=x)
prediction <- predict(object = svmFit, newdata = tail(x,1) )
apl = rollapplyr(data = x, width = 180, FUN = svm_next_day_prediction, by.column = TRUE)
but recieved a error because rollapply does not understand data.frames:
Error in terms.formula(formula, data = data) : '.' in formula and no 'data' argument
Can you please explain how to apply rolling window for svm classification model with dataframe?
A few points
works with data frames that can be coerced to a matrix so be sure that your input is entirely numeric -- not a mix of numeric and factor. For example, this works using the built-in data frameBOD
which has two numeric columns. Note thatx
passed topred
is a matrix here.giving
I can't reproduce the error you get. I get a different error.
the code in the question has
by.column = TRUE
(which is the default anyways) but that has the result of passing only a single vector to the function which is not what you want. You wantby.column = FALSE
.Try this: