I have reduced my problem to a minimal working example. This code snippet won't show any text:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<svg viewBox="-361.65944 -228.02199 723.31888 284.92749 ">
<text >
<g fill="#000">
<g stroke="none">
<tspan font-family="cmr" font-size="17">Render</tspan>
<tspan font-family="cmr" font-size="17">Process</tspan>
Now, if I comment out the two g
tags, the text is shown:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<svg viewBox="-361.65944 -228.02199 723.31888 284.92749 ">
<text >
<!-- <g fill="#000"> -->
<!-- <g stroke="none"> -->
<tspan font-family="cmr" font-size="17">Render</tspan>
<tspan font-family="cmr" font-size="17">Process</tspan>
<!-- </g> -->
<!-- </g> -->
Why does it happen? I am generating the svg via htlatex
out of the following tikz document:
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, positioning}
main/.style={rounded corners, fill=blue!15, align=center, inner sep=10, text width=6cm, minimum height=4cm, font={\fontsize{50 pt}{40 pt}\selectfont}},
render/.style={rounded corners, fill=red!15, align=center, inner sep=6, text width=5cm, minimum height=3.5cm, font={\fontsize{40 pt}{40 pt}\selectfont}},
\node[main] (main) {Main Process};
\node[render] [below=of main, xshift=10cm, yshift=-1.5cm] (render1) {Render Process};
\node[render] [below=of main, xshift=3.2cm, yshift=-1.5cm] (render2) {Render Process};
\node[render] [below=of main, xshift=-3.2cm, yshift=-1.5cm] (render3) {...};
\node[render] [below=of main, xshift=-10cm, yshift=-1.5cm] (render4) {Render Process};
\draw [->] (main) -- (render1.north);
\draw [->] (main) -- (render2.north);
\draw [->] (main) -- (render3.north);
\draw [->] (main) -- (render4.north);
I have no clue what is going on here. I would really appreciate any kind of input!
is not the best tool for producing a svg file out of a latex file.pdf2svg
works better. To convert yourtex
file tosvg
:latexmk -pdf main.tex
:pdf2svg main.pdf main.svg
The resulting
will not contain the bugs that you would find usinghtlatex main.tex
to produce thesvg