SVG - Accessing individual nodes on xlink:href external source

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I was looking at Chris Coier's SVG tricks on and also recently saw him at a conference where he talked about the powers of SVGs and how you can keep all assets in one external svg file.

<svg xmlns="" style="display: none;">

  <symbol id="beaker" viewBox="214.7 0 182.6 792">
    <!-- <path>s and whatever other shapes in here -->  

  <symbol id="shape-icon-2" viewBox="0 26 100 48">
    <!-- <path>s and whatever other shapes in here -->  


Then, you could just use it like this:

<svg class="icon">
  <use xlink:href="#shape-icon-1" />

<svg class="icon">
  <use xlink:href="#shape-icon-2" />

Sounds great! BUT, I want to be able to access individual nodes in each symbol and altering them with CSS like I normally would if the SVG was inline in the HTMl.

Take a look at this CodePen:

I thought I could do this, but I can't get it to work:

.icon path{
  fill: green;

This does, but this alters the actual source svg

#beaker path {
 fill: green;

What I want to do is reuse a graphical element in a grid. And on hover, alter a node in the svg. But only on the node in that particular parent. Not all of them.


There are 1 answers

Type-Style On

Firefox does some unknown thing where you can style it this way.

To be more precise:
Firefox seems to turn that symbol kinda into in the DOM.

.hoverME:hover path, .hoverME:hover circle  {
  fill: red;  

This also works with an external file. (Unfortunatly it does not with crossDomain Files)

"But you can insert just the class name of the path. That will work." I mean as long as you stay within the SVG with your selectors it will work.

 circle:hover, path:hover {
  fill: red;  