AWS Elastic Beanstalk rails app that needs a sidekiq worker processes running alongside Puma/Passenger. Getting the sidekiq process to run has resulted in hours failed attempts. Also, getting the rails app and sidekiq to talk to my AWS ElastiCache cluster apparently needs some security rule changes.
We started out with an extremely simple Rails app that was easily deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Since those early times we've evolved the app to now use the worker framework Sidekiq. Sidekiq in turn likes to use Redis to pull its jobs. Anyway, getting all these puzzle pieces assembled in the AWS world is a little challenging.
Solutions From The Web...with some sustainability problems
The AWS ecosystem goes through updates and upgrades, many aren't documented with clarity. For example environment settings change regularly; a script you have written may break in subsequent versions.
I used the following smattering of solutions to try to solve this: