Suppress empty List of Objects from Json output

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I have a Data class which I populate manually from a XML returned from a trading Partner. Most of time the returned Data will only have a few of the fields in my class populated, the others I set to Nothing(null) and then use the

Dim settings As New JsonSerializerSettings
settings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

to suppress any field with no data. All that works great but I am wondering how I can do the same or similar for List of Objects in my class. Right now if there is no data for one of these I still get an an output like this which is an empty json Array.

    "Txnum": "APO100000007R",
    "Dtsent": "20180625105938",
    "Txtyp": "A",
    "Location": [],
    "Terminationdata": [],
    "Responsestatus": {
        "prespc": "FTRAVQ059",
        "prespd": "LV1 IS REQUIRED "

So I am wondering if and how I could avoid this short of checking json string before I return it and strip the "Location": [], for example.


There are 1 answers

MisterniceGuy On

This is the code that worked for me. Just as a Side Node the ShouldSerialize"PropertyName:() is case sensitive so ShouldSerializeLocation() works while ShouldSerializelocation() does not. In Vb code normally is not case sensitive so just watch for that to save your self some headache.

    Public Property Location() As List(Of location)
            Return _location
        End Get
            _location = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Function ShouldSerializeLocation() As Boolean
        Return _location.Count > 0

    End Function