I have a Data class which I populate manually from a XML returned from a trading Partner. Most of time the returned Data will only have a few of the fields in my class populated, the others I set to Nothing(null) and then use the
Dim settings As New JsonSerializerSettings
settings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
to suppress any field with no data. All that works great but I am wondering how I can do the same or similar for List of Objects in my class. Right now if there is no data for one of these I still get an an output like this which is an empty json Array.
"Txnum": "APO100000007R",
"Dtsent": "20180625105938",
"Txtyp": "A",
"Location": [],
"Terminationdata": [],
"Responsestatus": {
"prespc": "FTRAVQ059",
"prespd": "LV1 IS REQUIRED "
So I am wondering if and how I could avoid this short of checking json string before I return it and strip the "Location": [], for example.
This is the code that worked for me. Just as a Side Node the ShouldSerialize"PropertyName:() is case sensitive so ShouldSerializeLocation() works while ShouldSerializelocation() does not. In Vb code normally is not case sensitive so just watch for that to save your self some headache.