I want to play srt subtitles in my app. I have integrated srt_parser so far. Also, I am able to get the current position of the player by this code
inMilliseconds = _videoPlayerController.value.position.inMilliseconds;
Here is srt parse code.
String data = '''1
00:00:01,600 --> 00:00:04,200
English (US)
00:00:05,900 --> 00:00:07,999
This is a subtitle in American English
00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:14,000
Adding subtitles is very easy to do''';
srtParser() {
List<Subtitle> subtitles = parseSrt(data);
for (Subtitle item in subtitles) {
'inMilliseconds ${inMilliseconds} Begin is: ${item.range.begin} and End is:
if (inMilliseconds > item.range.begin &&
inMilliseconds < item.range.end) {
for (var line in item.parsedLines) {
for (var subLine in line.subLines) {
'myline${item.parsedLines.indexOf(line)} subline${line.subLines.indexOf(subLine)} is: ${subLine.rawString}');
setState(() {
videoSubtitle =
'${item.parsedLines.indexOf(line)} ${line.subLines.indexOf(subLine)} ${subLine.rawString}';
} else {
setState(() {
videoSubtitle = null;
if (subtitles[0].parsedLines[0].subLines[1].htmlCode.b == true) {
So How can i sync subtitle with Video player position?
And right now I am parsing srt string. How can I parse it from srt file?
For now I am using subtitle_wrapper_package
which supports vtt subtitle in the video player.