What are some primitive ways to get a sum of all floats in a list that looks like this:
list_1 = [['coffee', 6.99], ['cream', 0.6], ['berries', 3.5], ['milk', 1.45], ['chocolate', 0.85]]
I tried removing string values from list_1 and appending floats to a temporary list to get a list of pure floats, but it seems I'm missing something.
Thank you! @luk2302 solution worked for me.
I am sorry that this post looked like a lazy attempt to get a fast solution. I actually tried solving it and googling for solution for about 3 hours, but some solutions didn't work and some seemed too complicated (i.e. including topics I've not studied yet).
I was a bit ashamed to put the solutions I've tried because I realise this must be a very basic problem. But here's what I've tried as far as I can remember:
for a in list_1:
list_2 = []
for a in list_1:
if list_1[a].isdigit():
for a in list_1:
if isinstance(a[0], str):
list_2 = []
for a in list_1:
if isinstance(a[1], float):
I wonder if any of these methods could work with some small tweaks.
That depend if you always have a list of lists. Something like this could works
or something like