Substitute textjoin formula not working for final cell

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I'm trying to remove the unique values after joining cells in Excel. It's a list of phone numbers that I combine into a single cell after I separate them with a comma. I'm using this formula:


For whatever reason, it properly applies to every cell in the range except for the last one; meaning that the last phone number still shows up in the final list. So for example, if I have numbers 12345 23456 34567 and 45678, it should come out like this:


but it comes out like this


Any ideas why this might be happening?


There are 1 answers

Scott Craner On

It is looking for 45678, to substitute with "". There is no , at the end. So we force one and then remove it at the end:

=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,$I$19:$I$28) & ",",I19&",",""),LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,$I$19:$I$28) & ",",I19&",",""))-1)

Or put the comma on the front and use MID:

=MID(SUBSTITUTE(","&TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,$I$19:$I$28),"," &I19,""),2,999)

Or you can use TEXTJOIN in an array form:


Being an array it needs to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode. If done correctly then Excel will put {} around the formula.

Then copy/drag it down like you do with the first.

The second, using the MID is the better of the choices.