Subsetting reqAccountDeatils() cannot convert into Dataframe

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When subsetting my Account Data form the return of reqAccountUpdates(tws) to get my Account Details, I get a nice print on the console. But storing in a CSV yields the following error message:

acct_saved <- saveDataToDirectory(accountNumber, tag_acct, acctData) Generated Filename: U7XXXXX9_11062023_acct.csv

Fehler in[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) : kann Klasse ‘"eventAccountValue"’ nicht in data.frame umwandeln

This translates to: "Error ... could not convert class 'eventAccountValue' in a data.frame, hence storing into CSV in a usual way does not work. Is there a workaround to achieve this?

The twsPortfolioValue(tws)can be stored in CSV easily

The Function

reqAccountDetails() returns a bunch of data. Applying twsPortfolioValues() returns my positions which I can store as a .csv.

acctInfo = reqAccountUpdates(tws)



When subsetting like

acctData <- acctInfo[[1]]

The console prints a nice table, also typeof(acctData) reveals it is a list.

> acctData
                             value      currency
AccountCode                  U7XXXXX9           
AccountOrGroup               U7XXXXX9   USD     
AccountReady                 true               
AccountType                  INDIVIDUAL         
AccruedCash                  x          USD     
AccruedDividend              x.         EUR     
AvailableFunds               x.xx.      EUR     
AvailableFunds.S             x.xx.      EUR     
Billable                     x.xx       EUR     
BuyingPower                  x.xx       EUR     
CashBalance                  x.xx.      USD 

The conversion to a data frame is an issue

Is there any workaround to get this job done for my account details?


There are 1 answers

Finestructure On

ok, I found a solution. Subsetting like this

acctData <- acctInfo[[1]][]

instead of

acctData <- acctInfo[[1]]

allows to convert into a data frame.

Thanks to @Limey pointing me to check the output of


Showing nested structure of lists.