Following the the code linked from here: Trap click event on dock icon using Qt on Mac, I tried to call the following method directly in my QApplication's constructor to receive notification of dock icon click events:
[[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager]
setEventHandler: m_dockIconClickEventHandler
andSelector: @selector(handleDockClickEvent:withReplyEvent:)
forEventClass: kCoreEventClass
andEventID: kAEReopenApplication];
If I call it directly, I do not receive notifications of this event. However, if I call it using QTimer::singleShot
with a delay of, say, 5000 ms, I receive the notifications just fine.
Also, according to the Qt documentation, "A QTimer with a timeout interval of 0 will time out as soon as all the events in the window system's event queue have been processed." So I tried 0 ms, but that didn't work. 1 or above seems to.
Why do I need to wait and what is a better way to handle this situation than delaying for n ms?
When your application exec() is called, Qt sets its own event handlers, so your handler is overriden. You may use in your constructor
And in onSetupDockEventMonitor() do install this event handler.