Sublime text 3 win 7 TernJS and tern_for_sublime install issue

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I want Sublime to jump to variable definition (for method it works with F12), and to find all variable/method references/calls. Also, to provide nice autocomplete.

I try to install TernJS and tern_for_sublime and none of them work.

According to link, TernJS is Deprecated.

With tern_for_sublime I get error that I need to install npm package manually. First image below appears when I started sublime, second immediately after sublime is started and third one when I tried to use any command from tern_for_sublime package.

I do not know what does it mean. I check and I already have Node.js and npm installed. I also tried to install tern_for_sublime from package control and manually from git repository.

According to documentation:

"The plugin will load its settings from Tern.sublime-settings (found in
Preferences > Package Settings > Tern), and recognized the following 

tern_argument_hints (boolean, defaults to false)"

There is no this and any other setting in my sublime ternjs. I checked I have "AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\tern_for_sublime" package which I got from github.

Does anyone have the same problem with this, or have some other plugin to recommend me ?

Dialog appears when sublime starts When sublime starts dialog appears

When try to use tern_for_sublime comand


There are 1 answers

noel zubin On

Go to the location said in the error: C:...AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\tern_for_sublime. and then open a cmd window there in that directory. Then type

    npm install

that should install ternjs.