Unable to connect, And not sure how many ways I can type "bandit0" for a password
Stuck in Bandit level 0. (overthewire.org)
5.4k views Asked by Praney Pareek At
There are 2 answers
if you do not have this problem "Too many authentication failures", use this:
ssh [email protected] -p 2220
if you are a windows user, it is better to use PuTTY than cmd.exe to play this game:
host name: bandit.labs.overthewire.org
port: 2220
login as: bandit0
password: bandit0
ssh is not telnet with its general syntax of telnet server port. I believe even in Windows the basic usage of ssh is like:
You did ssh [email protected] 2220. You connected to the default port (22) and 2220 was the command.
It so happens there is a server on port 22, but this is not the server that accepts the credentials you know.
The command 2220 was never invoked because you failed to authenticate in the first place. Instead of 2220 it could have been anything, it wouldn't be invoked either.
You want to connect like this: