I need to stub a request with 2 variations, and these are the example URLs from Amazon:
Right now, I have the regex validated via help from ckrailo but it appears stub_request is not accepting the regex? The regex has been validated via rubular.
stub_request(:any, %r{/^.*amazonservices.com.*(&Action=ListOrders&).*$/}).to_return(body: order_fixture_with_pages, status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' })
stub_request(:any, %r{/^.*amazonservices.com.*(&Action=ListOrdersByNextToken&).*$/}).to_return(body: order_fixture_no_pages, status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' })
After fixing the regex we are now trying to use the query string variables via stub request but it is not working. Thoughts anyone?
stub_request(:any, /.*amazonservices.com.*/).
with(:query => hash_including({"Action" => 'ListOrders'})).
to_return(body: order_fixture_with_pages, status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' })
I am using Rails 5 and Rspec 3.5.
After discussion, it turns out that we needed to search the body instead of the query params for this request.
Also, negative regex is hard. Instead, go for positive regex. :)