STS: ERROR BrokerService - Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb

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I am trying to run my spring web application with Spring Tool Suite (STS) (version 3.2.0.RELEASE) and the embedded VMWare vFabric server.

I get the error:

ERROR BrokerService - Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb, whilst the temporary data directory: C:\Program Files\sts\sts-3.1.0.RELEASE\activemq-data\localhost\tmp_storage only has 37077 mb of usable space

and i cannot start the server.

In the file system i find C:\Program Files\sts\sts-3.1.0.RELEASE but i can't even find the mentioned subdirectories, and i cannot understand this message.

What should i check?

Thanks for help.


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