STS 3.6.2 Disappearing context menu items

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So I upgraded to Spring Source Tool Suite 3.6.2, and I've been having a few problems. The current one is now for some projects I get incomplete context menus:

enter image description here

Some notes:

  • It's only for some projects, not all
  • The items that are blank vary, sometimes the full menu shows up
  • I've tried STS.exe -clean
  • I've tried deleting the .metadata folder
  • I've tried changing the theme
  • It appears to correlate with SVN projects where the Team menu item never shows up

To elaborate on the last point, all 20 or so of my projects are on SVN. For the ones where the menu seems funky (at least on the 5 or so I tested), when I could get the full menu to show up, the Team menu doesn't. This is even on a fresh STS install without SVN Connectors.

I just tested a new install of STS, and things were working fine until after restarting after an install of IvyDE. Ivy is needed for some of the projects, I haven't analyzed the correlation yet. I will try to remove that and report back.

This is also happening for two other people on my team, with brand new computers (and thus, workspaces).


There are 1 answers


It was IvyDE. Specifically the version (takes breath). I'm going to try to find a version that works. My SVN stuff is not causing any problems.

enter image description here


I've fixed my issues. I used a development build from the CI trunk build artifact site at:

The versions included were:

  • Apache Ivy 2.5.0alpha_20141106222552
  • Apache Ivy Ant Tasks 2.5.0alpha_20141106222552
  • Apache IvyDE 2.3.0beta1-201409280037-hudson-296
  • Apache IvyDE Resolve Visualizer 2.3.0beta1-201409280037-hudson-296 (Optional)

Note that I tried just updating IvyDE to 2.5a, but still had issues. Updating Ivy fixed all my issues so far.

I filed a bug with Apache: