Stripping out newline characters from input JSON string when using COPY Command in Postgres

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I have a set of code that is importing a JSON file provided into a temp table as follows:

    CREATE TEMP  table tmp (c JSONB );
    sqltxt:='COPY tmp from '''||filepath||''' with (FORMAT TEXT, DELIMITER ''~'')';

Now in order to process this file sucessfully , I have to manually strip out the newline characters in the incoming file.

I would like to do this in my postgres code by using a function know as regexp_replace

I am struggling to do this

This is my attempt at this :

    CREATE TEMP  table tmp (c JSONB );

    -- Populate temp table with incoming JSON
    sqltxt:='COPY translate(tmp, E''\n,'', '''') from '''||filepath||''' with (FORMAT TEXT,     DELIMITER ''~'')';
    EXECUTE sqltxt;

this produceds the following code which when run produces the error:

COPY translate(tmp, E'\n,', '') from 'C:\ChrisDev\Readings\14.json' with (FORMAT TEXT, DELIMITER '~')

[42601] ERROR: syntax error at or near "E'\n,'"

How can I run this code to strip out all newline characters fr


There are 4 answers


I have found a solution for this through running a docker container

So I had to do the following:

  1. Run up a Powershell command as Administrator.

  2. Change folder to where the JSON files are stored eg : C:\ChrisDev\Readings

  3. Run the following command to mount the folder into the Docker Container: docker run -it -v .:/files/ ubuntu

  4. Now run the command to strip out Newline characters on the file

    sed -i -z -e 's/\r\n/ /g' '/files/926371_20230120.json'

Now here what im doing is /\r\n/ is replacing all occurances of Carriage Return (\r) and Line Feed (\n) with an empty space.

Once this is run, then i can run my JSON file through my program with not issues.

Omar Faruque On

-- Create a temporary table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp; CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp (c JSONB);

-- Populate the temporary table with incoming JSON, replacing newline characters sqltxt := 'COPY translate(tmp, c) FROM ''' || filepath || ''' WITH (FORMAT TEXT)'; EXECUTE sqltxt;

-- Replace newline characters in the JSONB column using regexp_replace UPDATE tmp SET c = regexp_replace(c::TEXT, E'\n', '', 'g')::JSONB;

-- Now, your temporary table (tmp) contains JSON data with newline characters removed

Laurenz Albe On

You cannot do that in PostgreSQL. The only way to do something like that would be to call a program that modifies the file before you feed it to COPY:

COPY tmp FROM PROGRAM $$sed -z -e 's/\n/ /g' '/path/to/file'$$;

That example is for Linux. On other operating systems, you may need to call different programs.

Omar Faruque On

The error message indicates that the sed command failed to execute properly. The exit code 1 suggests that there might be an issue with the command syntax or the input file itself.

Here are some potential causes for this error:

  1. Invalid Path:

    Ensure that the path to the file C:\ChrisDev\Readings\14.json is correct and accessible by the sed program.

  2. Syntax Error:

    Double-check the syntax of the sed command for any typos or missing characters. The syntax you provided seems correct, but it's always good to double-check.

  3. Invalid Input File:

    Verify that the file 14.json is a valid JSON file and doesn't contain any unexpected characters or formatting that might cause issues with the sed command.