I would like to print the following sentence in BOLD in an AX 2009 report.
_ret += element.design().lookupLabel(literalstr("aaa")) + ": " + strfmt("%1 ", CustPackingSlipTrans.xxx) + "\n";
Help me please?
I would like to print the following sentence in BOLD in an AX 2009 report.
_ret += element.design().lookupLabel(literalstr("aaa")) + ": " + strfmt("%1 ", CustPackingSlipTrans.xxx) + "\n";
Help me please?
Maybe try this:
section.addControl(custTableId, fieldnum(Address, Name)).AOTsetProperties('PROPERTIES\n LeftMargin #10\n Bold #Bold\n FontSize #14\n Top #1\n ENDPROPERTIES\n');
Through this code you are able to set the properties of a Reportsection.