I'm displaying and editing an ABPerson with an ABPersonView. I do this like so:
ABPerson *person = (ABPerson *)[_addressBook recordForUniqueId:[curDict valueForKey:@"id"]];
[_personView setPerson:person];
[_personView setEditing:YES];
Where _personView is my ABPersonView. When I edit the ABPerson with the ABPersonView and I save the AddressBook:
[ABAddressBook addressBook] save];
It does save and in the AddressBook application I can see its value has changed, but I get these error messages in Xcode and Console:
I first get this:
sandboxd: ([3082]) AddressBookSync(3082) deny file-read-data /Users/xcodeuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CompanyName-asdxadsafadfqmwqxaagdsfgafguge/Build/Products/Debug
Followed by a lot of this:
sandboxd: ([3035]) AddressBookSync(3035) deny mach-lookup com.apple.syncservices.SyncServer
And it ends with this:
AddressBookSync[3035:707] [0x10011ba50] |ISyncManager|Warning| SyncServer is unavailable: timed out trying to connect
AddressBookSync[3035:707] AddressBookSync (client id: com.apple.AddressBook) error: Exception running AddressBookSync: Timed out waiting for the sync server
AddressBookSync exited with 2
My application is sandboxed and I integrated iCloud.
I have searched but could not find anyone having the same kind of problems, I have tried this:
[[ABAddressBook] sharedAddressBook]
instead of[[ABAddressBook] addressBook]
but I then get an error from the ABPersonView saying the use of sharedAddressBook is deprecated with the ABPersonView.I added SyncServices framework, didn't help
The code does work though, at least with my iCloud account. Anyone got a clue to why I'm getting these errors? Is it worth a shot trying it with Xcode 4.3 and 10.8? I'm currently running 4.2.1 with Lion.
I've seen exactly this same problem. I believe you are seeing a bug in the Apple frameework.