strange HTTP request ending with "type_error:SafeUrl"

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I'm gettig some strange HTTP requests, like:

"POST /type_error:SafeUrl HTTP/1.1"
"GET /some/path/type_error:SafeUrl HTTP/1.1"
"POST /another/long/path/type_error:SafeUrl HTTP/1.1"
"POST /another/very/long/path/type_error:SafeUrl HTTP/1.1"

Mainly POST but GET too, mainly on iPhone, and I'm quite sure that the origin is triggered by some "type_error" in JS.

The only pattern is /type_error:SafeUrl at the end of the URL.

Unfortunately I'm not able to reproduce it. As I can see it comes from Fundingchoices library.

How can I solve/dig/approach this issue?

I know that this is not a fully compliant query, but I hope to match the same "bad" experience in someone that had already solved this problem.


There are 4 answers


I think it is a bug in Funding Choices.

Deep down in some ad-blocking detection code loaded by Funding Choices I found the following being part of a reportClientEvent(...) call:

_.Cc = function(a) {
    return a instanceof _.Vb && a.constructor === _.Vb ? a.g : "type_error:SafeUrl"

a.g is a URL ( but a is not an instance of _.Vb, so we end up with type_error:SafeUrl being returned as the URL for the XMLHttpRequest request.

I expect this to be a bug because requesting 'type_error:SafeUrl' without domain or protocol will not result in anything useful.

These kinds of requests started yesterday (2022-01-20 17:30 UTC) in large amounts on our website, suggesting that an update was release around that time somewhere. I wish I could find a changelog for Funding Choices ...

UPDATE: I've been in touch with the Funding Choice team, and they expect to release a fix early next week (possible Monday).

UPDATE: Malformed traffic disappeared on our server at around 2022-01-25 23:00 UTC.

rvh On

been getting this too on my sites, tons of it.

seeing the answer here, the only thing i can think of is a few days ago i activated GDPR and CCPA in adsense.

perhaps report to adsense feedback?

Cengiz Caliskan On

None of these requests pass the Cloudflare JS Challenge.enter image description here

Ishtiaq Ali On

After applying different solutions I found out the real cause. And that is the script of Google Adsense.

Our web server was not able to handle the type_error:SafeUrl and it was choking the RAM of our server. so once we removed the adsbygoogle.js file website was restored and worked fine. I don't know why Google release this update without testing.