I'm experimenting with threepenny-gui, trying to learn the FRP interface. I want to avoid all explicit shared state using accumE/accumB, instead of IORef:s. I have four different signals (start, stop, timer, reset) which all affect a global state and the user interface. I'm using accumE w $ concatenate <$> unions [e0, e1, e2, e3]
to make the events share the same state w
. Here is a short snippet which captures the essence of it (with only one signal):
data World = World { intW :: Int , runW :: UI () }
main :: IO ()
main = startGUI defaultConfig setup
setup :: Window -> UI ()
setup _ = do
(e0, fire) <- liftIO UI.newEvent
let e0' = action <$ e0
e <- accumE (World 0 (return ())) e0'
onEvent e $ \w -> void $ runW w
replicateM_ 5 . liftIO $ fire ()
action :: World -> World
action w = w { intW = succ $ intW w
, runW = liftIO . print $ intW w }
This seems to work fine (although I wonder if it is sane). However, if I instead change the event to have type Event (UI World -> UI World)
(and remove the runW field), things go haywire:
data World = World { intW :: Int } deriving (Show)
main :: IO ()
main = startGUI defaultConfig setup
setup :: Window -> UI ()
setup _ = do
(e0, fire) <- liftIO UI.newEvent
let e0' = action <$ e0
e <- accumE (return (World 0)) e0'
onEvent e void
replicateM_ 5 . liftIO $ fire ()
action :: UI World -> UI World
action world = do
w <- world
let w' = w { intW = succ $ intW w }
liftIO $ print w'
return w'
It seems that all UI actions somehow get accumulated, and executed an increasing number of times with each event! I thought accumE was like a fold, where the accumulating state is replaced unless explicitly accumulated. What is the proper/best way of dealing with this problem in general?