Straight line EasingFunction in WPF application

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Straight line EasingFunction in WPF application

I am working in WPF application and new to animation. I need to animate images in straight direction with ease effect. Which type of EasingFunction can I use? Now I am using CircleEase function but not moving in straight line. please help.


There are 1 answers

Daniel On

You have many ease function: QuadraticEase, CubicEase, QuarticEase, QuinticEase, PowerEase, BackEase, BounceEase, CircleEase, ElasticEase, ExponentialEase, SineEase.

Otherwise, you can write your own ease function. You create a class that implements IEasingFunction

For example:

public class LinearEase : IEasingFunction
   public double Ease(double normalizedTime)
      return normalizedTime;