Storyboard: Leading Edge constraint correct, but Center X is off the screen

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I am so frustrated. Step by step directions for what I am doing:

I start with this in storyboard: enter image description here

With a leading constraint: enter image description here

And it shows up as expected in the simulator (ignore the different values): enter image description here

Next, I try to change that constraint: enter image description here

To a Center X constraint: enter image description here

In storyboard it looks right: enter image description here

But in the simulator it loads off the screen! enter image description here

This is also true if I change it to a trailing edge constraint. I have tried the same thing on several widgets on this view. What could be causing this?

EDIT: To simplify the scenario I removed all other views except Current Time.

These are the only two constraints: enter image description here

Again, it looks right on storyboard, but its messed up on the simulator.

EDIT: I think its also worth noting that I am using a view controller inside a container view.


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