Store unsigned int (uint8, 16, 32) in variable

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I would like to store an uint8_t (could change to uint_16 or 32 too) with their formatting in a string. I need to format them as hex, and want to store them along with their formatting. I have something like this (just the core):

uint8_t telegramData[];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(telegram); i++)
  printf("Uint8_t: %02X", telegramData[i]);

example output: Uint8_t: C8 4A 00 0D

Instead of printing out should store, but with correct formatting. Best would be if I had result as example: string str = "C8 4A 00 0D" Is there any method for this? Really thanks in advance!


Hello again, seems like i found out. I am using C++, sorry I think made tags mistake.I am using g++ compiler. Telegram is not relevant that much (yes it has proper size, just didnt note before here- "core code"). Used sprintf finally and this seems like to be a solution for me (again just core, because would take too much to explain every detail): Please don't bite my head off, I am not best with coding.

uint8_t telegram;    
char *tmp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(telegram));
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(telegram); i++)
      sprintf (tmp + strlen(tmp), " %02X", telegram[i]);
    printf ("Uint8_t: %s",tmp);

Output result: Uint8_t: C8 4A 00 0D I know it is not best solution, but most close what I need. And now it is also stored in tmp, so can use later too, not just printing out once. Thats why needed.


Some better version:

uint8_t telegram;    
char *tmp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(telegram));
int test = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(telegram); i++)
   test += sprintf (tmp + test, " %02X", telegram[i]);
printf ("Uint8_t: %s",tmp);

There are 3 answers


for C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

#define uint_join(p, a, ch) do{\
    size_t type_size = sizeof(*a), size = sizeof(a)/type_size;\
    size_t i, len = 0;\
    p = malloc(size * (type_size * 2 + 1));\
        case 1:\
            len += sprintf(p+len, (i < size -1 ? "%0*" PRIX8 "%c" : "%0*" PRIX8), type_size*2, a[i], ch);\
        case 2:\
            len += sprintf(p+len, (i < size -1 ? "%0*" PRIX16 "%c" : "%0*" PRIX16), type_size*2, a[i], ch);\
        case 4:\
            len += sprintf(p+len, (i < size -1 ? "%0*" PRIX32 "%c" : "%0*" PRIX32), type_size*2, a[i], ch);\
        case 8:\
            len += sprintf(p+len, (i < size -1 ? "%0*" PRIX64 "%c" : "%0*" PRIX64), type_size*2, a[i], ch);\

int main (void){
    uint8_t telegramData[] = { 0xC8, 0x4A, 0x00, 0x0D};
    char *tmp;
    uint_join(tmp, telegramData, ' ');
    printf ("Uint8_t: %s\n", tmp);
    return 0;
unwind On

Just use snprintf(), it's a library standard function for producing strings, very much like printf() except instead of printing also printing the resulting string, it's just created in memory.

John Dibling On

Your original question did not include a language tag, so it's unclear if you are programming in C or C++. The two are separate languages, and the best answers will be different for each language.

Although C++ shares a common ancestry with C, and sprintf is indeed part of the C++ Standard Library, if you're programming in C++ you probably should not be using sprintf or it's related functions. This family of functions is decidedly type-unsafe.

There are many type-safe ways to do this in C++, but a good place to start is using the C++ streams along with their manipulators:

std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << telegramData[i];
std::string s = ss.str();

There are also type-safe alternatives in the Boost library which share a similar syntax to sprintf.