1.I would like to store the array value to this three variable, and take the intersected value of it, but it did not work!
$report =array();
$report1 =array();
$report2 =array();
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($r_query)){
echo 'Primary first State:' .$row['user_id'].'<br>';
while ($rowa=mysql_fetch_array($r_querya)){
echo 'Primary second State: ' .$rowa['user_id'].'<br>';
while ($rowb=mysql_fetch_array($r_queryb)){
echo 'Primary third State: ' .$rowb['user_id'].'<br>';
echo var_dump($report);
$result = array_intersect($report,$report1,$report2);
echo 'intersect State: ' .$result;
The result of an array_intersect is an array itself, thus replace the last line of code with something like:
In addition:
doesn't make much sense, use only the latter (var_dump) for arrays... .