I have a Huge person database and do common search with name on it.
SELECT * FROM tbl_person WHERE full_name LIKE 'Sparow%Jack%';
SELECT * FROM tbl_person WHERE full_name LIKE 'Sparow%';
I rarely insert new data in this table.
I want to store common last_name queries on hark disk, queries already stored in ram but I loose it all each time the server reboot.
I have 1.7Billions row in my table and each row (with index) take 1k, yes it's a 1.7Tb database.
It's the main reason why I want to stored common select on disk.
Edit :
SELECT * FROM tbl_person WHERE full_name LIKE 'Savard%';
take 1000 sec to execute first time and 2 sec after. If I reboot the system and execute again, the query take 1000 sec again.
I simply want to avoid mysql take another 1000 sec runing the same query I already do before reboot.
Why not consider something like Redis for caching?
It's an in memory data store and it's very popular right now. Sites using Redis: http://blog.togo.io/redisphere/redis-roundup-what-companies-use-redis
Redis also can persist data to disk: http://redis.io/topics/persistence
For caching though, saving to disk shouldn't be absolutely critical. The idea is that if some data is not cached, the worst case is not always loading from disk manually, but going straight through to your database.