My program generates dynamic a specific amount of panels with checkboxes / textboxes. In next step, I want store them in a csv file with ";" as Delimiter. But firstly, i have to create the string for each panel. I tested the following with the checkbox:
foreach (object cb in ((CheckBox)sender).Parent.Controls)
if (cb is CheckBox)
if (((CheckBox)cb).Checked)
{ str1 += ((CheckBox)cb).Text + "1;"; }
if (!((CheckBox)cb).Checked)
{ str1 += ((CheckBox)cb).Text + "0;"; }
I implemented this already in the CheckBox_CheckedChanged Listener - str1 have the right formating, but when I click on another panel the string gets overwritten.
How can I store them seperatly for each panel?
In the next step, I want the foreach loop outside of the CheckedChanged Listener, but then I have no sender, to the get parent information.