How I store an instance of a connection in twisted.web? I have seen request.getSession() but I searched and there are very few examples of how it is stored and retrieved later.
Update: I want to store the ldap connection in a session for retrieve later
def render_POST(self, request):
command = request.path[1:]
session = request.getSession()
if command == "authentication":
Connect = LdapConnection(request.args['host'][0],request.args['user'][0],request.args['password'][0])
session.addComponent(LdapConnection, Connect)
if command == "users":
Connect = session.getComponent(LdapConnection)
u = Users(Connect, request.args['name'][0],request.args['employeeNumber'])
There are plenty of examples in the documentation of twisted. If you prefer a quick summary on how to use sessions.
Do not forget that request.getsession() will create the session if it doesn't already exists. This tutorial explains how to store objects in session.