What I'm trying to do
I'm using the jQuery-ui to sort a number of sections of html. So far the items are sortable. I want to disable sorting for two divs and keep the sortable functionality on the others.
I'm working within a CMS that has already declared these sections as sortable. What I'm trying to do is force the elements with a class of "not-sortable"
to not be sortable.
Simplified example
<div class="normal-sortables">
<div class"not-sortable">Not sortable section</div>
<div class"not-sortable">Not sortable section</div>
<div>Sortable section</div>
<div>Sortable section</div>
jQuery(function($) {
This prevents the "not-sortable" items from being dragagable, but if you move the siblings above these sections, they still move and their order is changed.
I found this question 13885665
So, I changed my solution above to
$( "#normal-sortables" ).sortable({
items : ':not(.not-sortable)'
This disabled all items.
I'm not experienced with jQuery, I found much more complex solutions to my problem but I'd like to understand why the above isn't working and to keep things simple if possible.
It seems like I must be missing something obvious.
The code above does work, but my situation is more complicated. Therefore I've posted a new more specific question here
I'll keep this post updated with results too to keep things linked.
Not sure if you just had a typo or if something else happened, but
items : ':not(.not-sortable)'
seems to work.