following setup
start-stop-daemon -S -m -p $PIDFILE --name myapp --exec /opt/myapp
start-stop-daemon -K -R TERM/30/KILL/5 -p $PIDFILE --name myapp
the script I start looks like that:
java -jar ./myapp.jar
so when I start my daemon everything is working fine, PIDFILE is generated. ps aux | grep myapp gives me 2 outputs, one for the daemon and one for the java, as child. If I do want to stop it, only the daemon is stopped the java process keeps running detached from console.
How do I need to change my daemon/script to also term the java application when I stop the daemon?
The reason why this does not work is that you are really just stopping
which when being killed does not automatically kill its children (the java process). Either do that in your script manually (which is tricky) or have the start-stop-daemon start java directly. It should then loook like this