I made a STM32F042k6, battery powered device, that I would to flash vi DFU protocol.
In order to do so I disconnect the battery, I pull BOOT0 to VCC, and then plug the device in USB3 port of PC (no USB2 available). The device is not recognized and showed VID:0000 PID:0002 (case I)
However, when I first connect battery, and then connect the device to PC it is recognized without a fuss (case II).
The problem I face is that I would like to initiate jump to bootloader program by command in software - but then I reach exactly the same condition as in case I.
Could you help me to identify what conditions for proper boot I am violating?
EDIT: The way I have discovered the problem was when I implemented software jump to bootloader. It seemed not to work at all (VCP device dissapeared, and erroreous <> device appeard in system PID:0002 VID:0000). I wanted to enter bootloader by pulling up BOOT0 pin, but I could see that I sucseed only when battery-power cycled. USB power cyccle resulted in the same "failed descriptor" device.
I suspect that when powered on via USB, the booloader has som ecommunication problems and cannot establish proper PID and VID. When powered via battery - this problem is not existing.
Do you have a discovery board?
I read in the STM32F042x4/x6 Reference Manual (DocID025832 Rev 5):
(part 3.19, p.27).
In the AN2606 (Rev 33), a table shows the USB configuration which is used by the DFU Bottolader in USB FS (Full-speed):
I assume that the USB in the bootloader is the 2.0, but USB 3.0 must be USB 2.0 compliant. So it is possible to use an USB 3.0 port.
I suggest you use the DfUSe Demo from ST. Its interface consists of a tab where the DFU devices available are displayed when detected. I try it on another STM32x by following these steps:
You could try to use directly PA11 and PA12 as well (according to Table 12) instead of the USB port of your board.
Another solution to upgrade your firmware without driving boot0 is to jump directly into the DFU bootloader of ST inside your firmware. Else you could design your own IAP bootloader (In-Application Programming).
I hope that helps.