I've just moved an app (dev on NetBeans and run on glassfish) from Struts 1.3.10 to Spring MVC. I changed my coding, removed all Struts related things, test it in my testing environment. Everything works fine. Then I move the all stuff to production environment. It also works fine. But I notice when starting glassfish, there are a lot of warning on unable to find some Struts renderers (all are "Unable to load class org.apache.struts.faces.component...." or "Unable to load class org.apache.struts.faces.renderer......".
I checked over and over again my project folder. I searched the word Struts in the folder. Nothing is related to Struts. I checked the domain.xml of my dev and production environment. Nothing is mentioned about Struts. Though the app is working fine with Spring now, I would like to get rid of those Struts warning log. Did I miss anything in my checking?