starting squid with systemctl

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I have a system (debian) connected to a broadband link. It collects a DHCP address from link, which is how it accesses DNS.

The system also includes squid (3) which handles some requests.

It all works perfectly, until I reboot it. Then squid fails to startup correctly. restarting squid clears the problem.

The reason appears to be that squid is starting too soon - before DNS is set up, which causes it reject any requests (although, when it received the request DNS is now set up).

I tried delaying squid using systemctl to wait for, but even that is too soon.

Has anyone got any ideas/tip of how to use systemctl/etc to solve this (I would rather not interpose a script which does a delay 30 before starting it, but perhaps that is the only way?)

I think I either need a or a ... or some clever thinking.



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