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Starting Docker Desktop on Windows 11 fails

Asked by At

When starting Docker Desktop the following error occurs:

Error details: 2 errors occurred: * provisioning docker WSL distros: setting main distro version: running WSL command "wsl.exe -d docker-desktop -u root -e wsl-bootstrap version set main-101757" failed with output "Unsupported console settings. In order to use this feature, the legacy console must be disabled.\r\nError code: Wsl/Service/WSL_E_CONSOLE\r\n": exit status 0xffffffff * checking if isocache exists: CreateFile \wsl$\docker-desktop-data\isocache: The network name cannot be found

Some other solutions suggest updating wsl to latest: wsl --update & then run netsh winsock reset with administrator privelages and restart your machine.

This did not work for me, unfortunately.

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