I have a report that has two sections of data. In a list component with textboxes I have Barcode, warehouse location, pallets. Then below this I have detail information in a tablix including Racklocation Use by date, Qty, Product, Description, PalletID, Customer Product and Weight. How do I print one barcode row then detail for that shipment, then page break? Then same again for next row? Thanks i'm really banging my head with this one!
SSRS Print one row then detail
216 views Asked by jhowe At
There are 2 answers
Do you mean you just want there to be a page break after each of your packing slips? If so select the list, then at the bottom of the window where it says "Row Groups" right click the first group and go to "Group Properties". Finally, go to the "Page Breaks" window and click "Between each instance of a group" and then "Also at the end of a group". That should do it.
What i ended up doing was using the lookup function for EACH item I needed to lookup referencing unique value i.e. pickrouteID to then lookup what i needed. Example
=Lookup(Fields!.Value, Fields!.Value, Fields!.Value, "containing dataset")