Here's the SQLite3 Haskell bindings with the ability to create function:
But I can't get to use this feature, I wrote the code like this:
increment a = a + 1
checkout = do
handle <- openConnection "test.db"
ok <- createFunction handle "woot" (IsFunctionHandler increment)
return $ execStatement handle "SELECT woot(5)";
But it isn't compile with "Not in scope: data constructor `IsFunctionHandler'" error
The correct code is:
module Test where
import Database.SQLite
import Int
increment :: Int64 -> Int64
increment a = a + 1
checkout :: IO (Either String [[Row Value]])
checkout = do
handle <- openConnection "test.db"
ok <- createFunction handle "woot" increment
execStatement handle "SELECT woot(5), woot(7), woot(128)"
Thanks to HaskellElephant
is a class, not a data constructor. It has several instances so ifincrement
is an instance ofIsFunctionHandler
, wich it in this case is, you should be able to write: