SqlDependency.Stop() seems to not work as expected

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I am developing an application with SQL Dependency feature.

My problem is when I stop application (SqlDependency.Stop() method is executed) and I try to run stored procedure with ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set to OFF, I'm getting error:

UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'...

Stored procedure is making an update on table which was watched by SqlDependency, I do not want to change it because it is from third-party software.

SqlDependency uses 'sa' user to connect to DB also I tried other user with no luck.

For now I must restart SQL Server to make it work, but this is unacceptable.

I tried to run this query and kill all subscription:


but I still get same error.

Can someone help me with resolving this problem ?


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