When using the Sql Server Data Tools Data Comparision tools a few of us here are unable to do comparisons when the source is an Azure database.
The error we get is below:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Data information could not be retrieved because of the following error:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conn
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conn
The connection test works fine. I've tried creating a new connection. As a side note if I do data compare with a non-Azure source things work fine.
SQL Server Data tools version is 12.0.50512.0
We can access the server using SSMS without any problems.
It turned out to be a permissions issue but I was able to diagnose it using the details available at https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/740e3ed8-bb05-48f7-8ea6-721eca071198/publish-to-azure-db-v12-failing-value-cannot-be-null-parameter-name-conn?forum=ssdt
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