SQL Query for division equivalent in relational algebra

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The following are my tables,

Staff(enum,etitle,ename), pk:enum

Has(enum,anum), pk:(enum,anum), fk1:Has(enum)->Staff(enum), fk2:Has(anum)->Area(anum)

Area(anum,aname), pk:anum


The staff (enum, ename, etitle) who specialize in every medical area.

I have tried the following,

I know that the relational algebra expression for this query would be

divide (Staff join Has) by (project area over anum)

My SQL query is the following:

select S.enum
from Staff S
where not exists
(select A.anum from Area A)
(select H.anum 
from Has H,Staff S1
where H.enum = S1.enum)

But no rows are being returned. I made sure that there is one staff member who specializes in every area.

What I think should be done:

The each staff member's areas must be subtracted from all the areas. If there exists a staff member with all medical areas, then the subtraction would return a null set and the not exists would be satisfied. Then we have to retrive the enum,ename,etitle for the particular staff member.


This is my homework. I'm posting this after trying very hard.


There are 1 answers

Multisync On
select * from Staff 
where enum in (
    select enum from (
        select enum, count(distinct anum) as number_of areas
        from Has group by enum
    ) where number_of areas = (select count(*) from Area)
  1. For each enum calculate the number of unique areas.
  2. Check that this number equals to the whole number of areas