SQL altering tablespace

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Okay as I was creating my tables, it gave me the following error:

ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'USERS'

So I type this command to change the tablespace: ALTER USER bju5108 quota unlimited on USERS;

And then it gave me this message: ORA-00990: missing or invalid privilege

How should I fix this?


There are 2 answers

mmmmmpie On BEST ANSWER

You need to run ALTER USER bju5108 quota unlimited on USERS; as system or sysdba.

Olafur Tryggvason On

If you have DBA access to the database, then you can fix it by increasing the limit. (by connecting as SYSDBA, example ' sqlplus "connect sys/pass as sysdba"' run in unix.) like @mmmmmpie said:

alter user bju5108 quota unlimited on users;


alter user bju5108 quota 500M on users;  --where 500M should be more then you have now.

If you do not, then you need to send a request to your Database Admin (DBA). This is a restriction issue that users have no control over.