Springboot - multiple property files per profile

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Looking for best approach in configuring multiple Profile specific property files in Springboot application. Below is an example:

   -- application.properties
       -- dev
             -- application-dev.properties
             -- ldap-dev.properties
             -- quartz-dev.properties
             -- etc-dev.properties
     -- test
             -- application-test.properties
             -- ldap-test.properties
             -- quartz-test.properties
             -- etc-test.properties
     -- prod
             -- application-prod.properties
             -- ldap-prod.properties
             -- quartz-prod.properties
             -- etc-prod.properties

The application.properties and application-profile.properties files are loading okay. I'm looking for a recommended approach in loading the other profile specific property files. I'm not sure if there is a way to load all property files from a folder based on a profile?


There are 4 answers

Selim Ok On

I'm not sure is there any better way to that or is my suggestion really work but you can try this:

Add @PropertySource Annotation right before your configuration class

@PropertySource("classpath:ldap-${spring.profiles.active}.properties", "classpath:quartz-${spring.profiles.active}.properties", "classpath:etc-${spring.profiles.active}.properties")

To understand better how Spring load configurations from different sources and profiles see this and this.

I hope it helps.

Dave Syer On

You have quite a lot of flexibility with the built in configuration listener. E.g. You could set spring.config.name=application,ldap,quartz,etc and spring.config.location=classpath:/,classpath:/dev,classpath:/prod,classpath:/test. Or the equivalent env vars. The links in Selim's answer document the basic behaviour and config options.

Tal On

@PropertySources can be used to load multiple properties files with profile as ldap-${spring.profiles.active}.properties

But if you are using YAML, @PropertySource will not work. You have to use @ConfigurationProperty to load YML files other than application.yml

geliba187 On

As of Spring boot 2.0.4, this feature comes out of the box as long as you specify your config file in spring.config.name environment variable, e.g spring.config.name=application,ldap,quartz