I'd like to use spring-ws-security in order to secure my web service with Wss4jSecurityInterceptor
and signatures. But there is a dependency conflict which make this system unworkable. The spring-ws-security:2.1.2.RELEASE
seems to be not workable as well.
spring-ws-security : 2.1.3.RELEASE [compile]
- wss4j : 1.6.5 [compile]
- xmlsec : 1.5.1 [compile]
- opensaml : 2.5.1-1 [compile]
- openws : 1.4.2-1 [compile]
- xmltooling : 1.3.2-1 [compile]
- xmlsec : 1.4.4 [compile] (omitted for conflict with 1.5.1)
Is there any way to solve this problem?
Many thanks in advance.
Problem is you are already including a the same dependency witha newer version I think something in the lines of this would solve it. Add it to your spring-ws-security dependency declaration.