I am using the splitter to split the messages and to pass it to the respective other channels for further processing.
But I wanted to send the splitter output to one channel which will write it into another file. Also wanted to send the splitter output to another channel which will perform some task.
I am able to do the same by using the below, but it doesn't seems to be working if failed to process any of the split record in channel2. Its stopping the process and not writing the remaining records in channel1.
<int:splitter input-channel="inputchannel" ref="splitter" method="doSplit" output-channel="routingChannel"/>
<int-recipient-list-router id="customRouter" input-channel="routingChannel"
<int:recipient channel="channel1"/> <!--Write to file-->
<int:recipient channel="channel2"/> <!-- logic to process -->
Is there any other way I can pass it to the separate channels independently.
has an option like:Or if you wish for XML configuration: