I'm using Predicate from QueryDsl. Backends internally uses camelCase, but promised to use snake_case when communicating with clients.
I want to use snake_case
as query parameters like
if I pass protocol_type
as snake_case, Query Dsl Predicate doesn't parse it. It parse only fields of the type(target entity class) as camelCase. so protocol_type
is skipped by getPredicate() of QuerydslPredicateBuilder
* Creates a Querydsl {@link Predicate} for the given values, {@link QuerydslBindings} on the given
* {@link TypeInformation}.
* @param type the type to create a predicate for.
* @param values the values to bind.
* @param bindings the {@link QuerydslBindings} for the predicate.
* @return
public Predicate getPredicate(TypeInformation<?> type, MultiValueMap<String, String> values,
QuerydslBindings bindings) {
if (!bindings.isPathAvailable(path, type)) { // <-- here!
// path : "protocol_type"
// type : my.domain.entity.InputMethod
but it works in cameCase
How to set the naming convention of Predicate to snake_case
public List<InputMethodDto.Response> getInputMethodTypeList(
@QuerydslPredicate(root = InputMethod.class) Predicate predicate) {
return service.getInputMethodList(predicate);
public class InputMethod {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private RecordType recordType;
private ProtocolType protocolType;
private String name;
public class SwaggerConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
Jackson naming strategy Same issue with me.
I also set spring.jackson.property-naming-strategy=SNAKE_CASE
Unfortunately I am afraid you can't use snake_case here, simply because
is considered as property splitter in spring data mapping. So mapper will convert it toprotocol