I use eclipse neon and download springsource-tool-suite-3.9.0.RELEASE-e4.6.3-updatesite.zip, after I installed it successfully no spring project menu show in new menu. How can I do with it?
Spring project template menu not show with springsource-tool-suite e4.6.3
240 views Asked by michael At
There are a number of wizards to create new Spring projects included in STS 3.9.0, especially those to create new Spring Boot projects. Go to
New -> Spring Boot -> Spring Starter Project
and use that to create a new Spring Boot project (the preferred way nowadays).In addition to that you can also use the
Import Spring Getting Started Content
to import projects from http://spring.io/guides directly into your workspace.If you switch to the Spring perspective, you will get those wizards as shortcuts in the package explorer context menu, too.
The old and outdated "New Spring Project Template" wizard is gone for quite a while now.