Spring JDBC Outbound Gateway To Return Original Payload

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Using JdbcOutboundGateway, how do I get the reply to be original payload?

Currently, the response payload is {UPDATED=1}. Neither reference document (Spring 5.2.x) nor the source code seems to offer an alternative.

Should I extend the class and override handleRequestMessage to return the original payload? The method is protected which reads to me as an invite to extend or is there a preferred 'pattern' in Spring Integration to handle {UPDATED=1} in the next @ServiceActivator and somehow restore the payload.

If someone is kind enough to respond, please give an example using configuration/annotations and not XML or DSL.


I ended up doing something like below. Is it advisable to do this? Am I missing something by not using the 'integration-jdbc' methods?

@ServiceActivator(inputChannel="myIn", outputChannel="myOut")
public GenericHandler<String> saveToDb(@Autowired MyRepository myRepo) {
  return (payload, header) -> {
    MyClass x = (MyClass) headers.get("MyClassObject")
    return payload;

There are 1 answers

Gary Russell On

The simplest solution is to add a header enricher before the gateway and copy the payload into a header.