Spring FactoryBean as reference for PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer

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Creating a FactoryBeany for loading the properties from the Zookeeper.

public class ZkPropertiesFactoryBean extends AbstractFactoryBean<Properties> {..}

While using XML config it is possible to refer the bean as follows

<bean id="zkProperties" class="test.ZkPropertiesFactoryBean"/>
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="zkProperties"/>

I'm trying to convert XML config to Java config, using PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer

    public  static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer loadProperties() throws Exception {
        PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer prop = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
        return prop;

What is the equivalent of properties-ref? I'm not able to find any reference for doing the same.


There are 1 answers

Alex Ciocan On BEST ANSWER

You can use the setProperties of the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer and set it by using your AbstractFactoryBean.getObject() method:

Your configuration could look something like:

   public class ZookeeperConfig {

        private ZkPropertiesFactoryBean zkPropertiesFactoryBean;

        public  static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer loadProperties() throws Exception {
            PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer prop = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
            return prop;