spring-cloud with Feign/Ribbon/Eureka - unable to discover service instances

2.8k views Asked by At

My feign client currently fails to discover service instances using Eureka. My configuration includes the following annotations:


I included the following dependencies (spring-cloud 1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT):


As far as I can tell, the feign client makes use of a ConfigurationBasedServerList and therefore requires the addresses of the available service instances to be explicitly specified in the configuration file (ribbon.serverList property).

However, everything is working fine if I explicitly specify:

ribbon.NIWSServerListClassName: com.netflix.niws.loadbalancer.DiscoveryEnabledNIWSServerList

My test application also makes use of a Spring RestTemplate based client automatically configured to make use of an Eureka-enabled Ribbon implementation. Strange thing is that the Feign client is working fine (i.e. finds service instances) if the RestTemplate is invoked first. Looks like the RestTemplate setup performs some (static) initialisations somewhere that then benefit to the feign client.

Do I miss something in how Feign support should be configured?


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