spring cloud vault on Azure app service(UAMI) : connection time out

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I am deploying a spring boot app onto Azure app services and getting "connection time out " error for Azure MSI endpoint.

App uses Spring cloud vault config with azure UAMI to connect to vault, but fails at bootstrap time: I/O error on GET request for "": connect to failed: Connect timed out

I have read that for azure app services we need to use "IDENTITY_ENDPOINT" & "IDENTITY_HEADER" to connect to resources in App services, but I am not sure where to set it using spring cloud config.

Stack : JDK 17 | Spring boot 3.2.0 | spring-cloud-vault-config 4.1.0


  scheme: https
  uri: <vault url>
  authentication: azure_msi
  connection_timeout: 5000
    role: MY_UAMI
    import: vault://secret-path

The config works fine with authentication type as "token" and when deployed to app services gives the timeout error when using auth type as "azure_msi"


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