Spring Cloud Stream - Mock Source always failed (without an existing MQ instance)

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I have a RestController which has a @autowired Source attribute. I want to add some test cases of RestController. But it always fails, because the Source needs a real message broker.

So my question is: can i mock Source or is there a existing way to that? Or is my testing case code not correct? Thanks.



public class MyController {
    private MySource mySource;

    @RequestMapping(path = "hello", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String process(@RequestBody Object body) {
        Message msg = new GenericMessage("");

        return "success";


public class MySource {

    private MessageChannel channel;

    public void sendMessage(Message msg) {

test case

@WebMvcTest({MyController.class, MySource.class})
public class MyControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private MySource mySource;

    public void test() throws Exception {

        mySource = Mockito.mock(MySource.class);

        Message msg = new GenericMessage("");

        ResultActions actions = mockMvc.perform(post("hello").contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE).content("{}"));

There are 1 answers

Ilayaperumal Gopinathan On BEST ANSWER

If you are testing just the individual app, you can use TestSupportBinder from spring-cloud-stream-test-support. This section in the Spring Cloud Stream doc has some info on how to use it. You can also refer some of the unit test classes inside Spring Cloud Stream.