Spring boot test not recognizing servlet

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I have got Spring Boot Application and I want to test it. I do not use Spring Controllers, but I use Servlet with service method. Also I have got my configuration class that provides ServletRegistrationBean. But every time when I try to perform mock request I get 404 error. There is no call to servlet at all. I think that Spring does not find this servlet. How could I fix it? While I am launching app at localhost everything works fine.


public class SpringDataProcessorTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void retrieveByRequest() throws Exception{


    private MockHttpServletRequestBuilder buildRetrieveCustomerByIdRequest(String id) throws Exception {
        return get(String.format("/path/get('%s')", id)).contentType(APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8);


public class ODataConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
    public String urlPath = "/path/*";

    public ServletRegistrationBean odataServlet(MyServlet servlet) {
        return new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet, new String[] {odataUrlPath});


public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private ODataHttpHandler handler;

    protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        try {
            handler.process(req, resp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Server Error occurred", e);
            throw new ServletException(e);

There are 1 answers


If you really want to use MockMvc to test your code instead of a Servlet use a HttpRequestHandler and use a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping to map it to a URL.

Something like the following.

public HttpRequestHandler odataRequestHandler(ODataHttpHandler handler) {
    return new HttpRequestHandler() {
        public void handleRequest() {
            try {
                handler.process(req, resp);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Server Error occurred", e);
                throw new ServletException(e);

And for the mapping

public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping simpleUrlHandlerMapping() {
    SimpleUrlHandlerMapping mapping = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
    mapping.setUrlMap(Collections.singletonMap(odataUrlPath, "odataRequestHandler"); 
    return mapping;

Another solution would be to wrap it in a controller instead of a servlet.

public class ODataController {

    private final ODataHttpHandler handler;

    public ODataController(ODataHttpHandler handler) {

    public void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException {
        try {
            handler.process(req, resp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Server Error occurred", e);
            throw new ServletException(e);

In either way your handler should be served/processed by the DispatcherServlet and thus can be tested using MockMvc.